Thursday, June 07, 2007


Back in February, Rich and I decided we were going to get in better shape. We looked into gym memberships, and settled on Orange Shoe. But I had a hard time justifying the cost. (If you've ever gone shopping with me, you know that I have a hard time justifying the cost of anything) I mean, I could just go out for a jog every morning and get the same results, just without paying. I just can't motivate myself to actually get my running shoes on and go outside. I could join a soccer team, but I wouldn't want to drive all over Madison to get to games. We could by our own machine. We had plenty of room in the basement and I could watch TV while I used it - making it easier to keep going. I didn't really like treadmills or ellipticals. I had used a Concept2 rowing machine at the rec center in college, and it seemed to provide a pretty good full-body workout. So we looked into it. And we decided to get one.

It was expensive ($850), but it will be more cost effective than the gym if I use it regularly. And so far I have. Quite possibly the most motivating thing is their online community - where I can log my workouts, participate in competitions, and chat with other rowers. Plus, I earn stuff every million meters I row (I hope to reach my first million by the end of the year). I'm not sure I've ever been this excited about exercise, but I like it.