Monday, October 09, 2006


Here's a post devoted to all the cats we saw this weekend.

Pixie (mom's cat) is the oldest. She's 10. This is her Halloween costume, courtesy of Jan (my sister).Bubs (dad's cat) has many names. Holly is her original name. She's 9. She's getting antisocial in her old age.
Blaise dancingCharlie
Blaise (my cat) is 1. She likes it when I tie a string to a fan blade and turn the fan on. Check out her mad jumping skills.Charlie (Rich's cat) is Blaise's brother. He can never hold still long enough for a picture, but he did here. Like how his eyes match the newly-painted wall?
Murphy (Jan's cat) is probably 1, but Jan only adopted him a couple months ago. He's cross-eyed. 

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