Thursday, March 13, 2014

Bird masks

We got a new pack of construction paper a couple weeks ago and the kids have been going wild with coloring and cutting. Somehow the idea came up that we could make masks (I think Z had been folding paper and holding the holes up to his eyes), so I decided to make a bird mask. It turned out to be a pretty fun project so I thought I'd share. 
Materials: a model, construction paper in bird and beak colors, scissors, pencil, something to color the bird with, and tape.
First, cut out the mask:
fold the construction paper in half
hold it over half the model's face and mark eyes, nose, and mouth
draw a "breathing hole": pointed at the top to fit the nose and extending below the lips to leave room for talking
cut out the breathing hole and eye holes
 Then, make the beak:
fold the beak-coloer paper into four and cut a triangle, folded along the longer leg
the foundation for a mask!
Punch breathing-holes in the top of the beak. 
Decorate the mask according to whatever bird you've chosen. I use Google Image search for reference.
Best to press down the beak while the mask is unfolded—the beak looks better that way.
Try the mask on and note where the forehead curves into the top of the head. Mark the "corner" of the forehead.
Cut to form a crest and continue cuts to the corners of the forehead.
Glue the two sides of the crest together and fold down the forehead part.
Fold down triangular flaps to make the head smooth from forehead to crest and glue down the forehead part.
Cut off excess paper.
Glue down the remaining flaps.
Our bird mask is almost finished!
Add a bit of tape to close the mask. For larger heads, a scrap of paper can be tapes on as a band.
From the side
From the front
Three finished masks!

All at once now!

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